Marhaban sahlan

Welcome to Espressway, where the rich tapestry of our Arabic heritage intertwines with the spirit of the great coffeehouses of Europe. Nestled in the Nation's Capital, we uphold a strong commitment to the artistry and diversity of coffee, combining traditional coffee preparation methods with creations inspired by the dynamic brilliance of our community.

Our Coffee

Espresso $3.25
Americano $3.50
Macchiato $3.75
Cortado $4.25

Drip $3.00
Drip au Lait $3.25
Pour Over $4.50

Cold Coffee
Cold Brew $4.00
Iced Latte $5.25

See Full Menu

“Mo and Imad have kept one of the most well-known Arabic sayings front and center with Espressway - الهمة ترفع الأمة" (ambition raises the Nation). I always leave my time here deeply moved by the discussions I have with others and motivated to keep moving the bar forward with my life and decisions. The delicious lattes and rose croissants do not hurt a bit, either!”

“A truly comforting space where you are welcomed to slow down and experience connection with others it is meant to be — in the middle of one of the Nation’s fastest moving and hyper-technologically connected cities...”

We’d love to connect more with you!